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Monday, March 10, 2008

Fwd: RE: Sharing Songs - Javad Maroofi(Piano)

Baa salaam, aghaye Yousefi e geraami e-mail e zir raa baraaye doostaan e Radio Golha ferestaadand vali eshtebaahan beh addresse man ersaal shodeh ast. Lotfan e-mail e ishaan raa beh hamraah e asar e honarishoon keh attach kardeh_and molaahezeh befarmaayid.
Baa ehteraam,

aziz -f yousefi <yousefi-a@hotmail.com> wrote:
From: aziz -f yousefi <yousefi-a@hotmail.com>
To: <roya_sed@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: Sharing Songs - Javad Maroofi(Piano)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 21:09:20 -0400

To all friends of Golha,
I am a friend and lover of Golha. I wolud like to express a bit of my life experience about our Golha music compare to other cultures' music. We never know that we are sitting on a mountain of golden music, I have been to many countries and now I am in Canada. I have been to Egypt and familiar with Arabic music as well, right now I have almost all the albums of Great Omu Kulthom, I lover her songs just like Iraj, Ghavami, Banan, Homeyra, Zarabi, Parvin, Golpa, Mahasti, Shajaryan, Golnaraghy, Golchin, Haydeh and so on.
I was born in a very poor family and when I left Iran I was only 8 years old. I was raised in a place that I couldn't even speak persian, very far away from persians' culture and music, only I listened BBC persian section Radio.
I just want to say that today's music is just holding an instroment and playing it some how, without expressing a feeling saturates from heart and singers are not artistic at all, they shake their body more that shaking their pharinx or voice box to be able overshadow some one's feeling. I think, these mountains of treasures that we have, must be respected and must me regenovated. Some times, I sit alone and think of the arts, in general, in 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, suddenly start crying! what Happened to all of there? what is going to replace that purified arts.
I am a painter artist and attatch one painting here if you are interested to view, the e-mail is getting too long, so sorry to take your time and wish the best for all of you who are Golha Lovers.
I don't write persian because I don't have persian fonts.
Aziz Yousefi

Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 04:19:37 -0800
From: roya_sed@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Sharing Songs - Javad Maroofi(Piano)
To: alinaderi02@yahoo.com; friends-of-radio-golha@googlegroups.com

Baa salaam Ali aghaa e geraami,
Please try this link and then select 'Javad maroofi' folder:
Please let me know if it works. Thanks!

Ali Naderi <alinaderi02@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Roya,
Salam ,
When I try to go to the link the following message is comming up:      
The file link that you requested is not valid. Please contact link publisher
Please check and revert with thanks.

----- Original Message ----
From: Roya S. <roya_sed@yahoo.com>
To: friends-of-radio-golha@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:46:52 PM
Subject: Sharing Songs - Javad Maroofi(Piano)

Baa dorood doostaan e geraami,
Tedaadi az ghate'aat e zibaayi raa keh aaghaye Javad Maroofi baa Piano navaakhtand raa dar link e zir gozaashtam keh omidvaarm mored e tavvajohetoon gharaar begirad:
Baa ehteraam,

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