"We will listen to the statements closely, we will carefully study their actions and if there are real changes, we will welcome it," Ahmadinejad said. "Change means that they should apologize to the Iranian nation and try to make up for their dark background and the crimes they have committed against us," he said. (Pictures of Ahmadinejad's visit to Kermanshah are given after news)
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday that the motto of change spoken of by the new US administration was welcome adding however that claims of change in US policies would be proved after they translate into actions. President Ahmadinejad was speaking to people in Kermanshah Province where he was on a visit Wednesday to follow up a package of development projects approved in his previous visit to the province last year. "The new American government's stated will to make changes is welcome in light of the fact that the policies of Bush administration were immoral, inhuman and against the teachings of Divine Messengers," the President said, adding however that the stated policies would prove credible once put into actions. "A change would take place in two separate manners. It is either substantial or tactical. In the latter form, only the rhetoric changes," the President noted, adding that the world nations would soon take position against the stated US policies if they proved to be only tactical. The President then made it clear that any substantial change would take place only if some of the major Bush policies are reversed, including rhetoric of superiority put up by the former president. "A major problem in Bush administration's policies was his domineering approach towards nations. They tended to treat other nations as second class citizens and spoke to them as if they were creditors and the nations were debtors," the President added. "A change would be meaningful only if the government abandons its domineering policies. If rhetoric of bully is otherwise restored then no change has actually occurred," the President added. The President then deplored that the American authorities were meddling with the internal affairs of other nations. "They speak of change then why they interfere in other nations' domestic affairs?" he inquired. "A change of policy is to relinquish unconditional support for the illegitimate and child killer Zionist regime and let the Palestinian nation to decide its own fate," the President added. The President then touched on the American interference in Iran's domestic affairs in the past decades. "Those who say they want to change their policies must take note that for over 60 years, successive American government had stood against the Iranian nation," the President condemned, adding that the American government wrested the Iranian nation of its wealth and oil and instead granted it a devil intelligence force called SAVAK which backed by America persecuted and tortured youths and scholars in its dungeons. "America held us backward for 25 years and ushered in poverty and illiteracy among the nation," the President regretted. "They backed a despotic ruler (Shah), stood against the nation's call for independence and committed such other crimes as conducting spy acts in their embassy, attacking Tabas city, making a coup attempt, supporting terrorists bands, supporting (the Iraqi dictator) Saddam Hussein and assisting him in his 8-year imposed war against Iran, and shooting down of IRI's civilian airliner (in which 290 passengers were murdered)," the President recalled. "At some point they even said they wished to uproot the Iranian nation," the President said, adding that it was impudent from a state in possession of more than 10000 atomic bombs to stand against the scientific nuclear drive of the Iranian nation and claim it was worried about the nation. President Ahmadinejad then pointed out that a first step for genuine change of policy was to express apology to the Iranian nation and make up for the crimes. "They would rather note that if they keep the Bush's rhetoric of bully and aggression, our nation's response is what it has already given to Bush and his cronies," the President pointed out. President Ahmadinejad said the IRI would however wait and see what actions the new American government takes in the future and would welcome any genuine change in that regard. Source: http://english.iribnews.ir/newsbody.aspx?ID=1341 Ahmadinejad demands US change, apology Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:09:00 GMT
"We are waiting patiently," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday in a speech in the western city of Kermanshah, referring to the proposed policies of his US counterpart, President Barack Obama. more on: http://www.presstv.com/detail.aspx?id=83947§ionid=351020101 Remember Us!!! "Purchase, import, re-import and promotion of any products whose profits will be given to Israeli occupiers directly or indirectly are forbidden and Muslims are not allowed to do so." Muslims should avoid any type of trade which might inflict losses on Islam and Muslims worldwide, said the Supreme Leader. "Since the Zionists are now at war with Islam, Muslims should avoid any action which might bring them profits," the Supreme Leader said in reply to a question. Waliyy-e-Amril Muslimeen Ayatullah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Source: http://abna.ir/data.asp?id=132197&lang=3 Gaza, Palestine Continued Cruelities A Joint Production of America, Israel & Allies The Only Solution to protect Ummah Diginity is Unity:
We muslims are busy bickering over whether to fold or unfold our hands during namaz, while the enemy is devising ways of cuting them off. "Roohullah Khomeini" Yes to Unity amongst muslims No to shia-sunni sectarianism & other tools of enemies & evils, which creates fitna amongst muslims |
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