گلچين از بهترين گروه‌ها و سايت‌هاي اينترنتي. همه چيز از همه جا

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Re: WG: گلهای رنگارنگ

Baa salaam,
Bishtar e barnaameh_haaye Golhaye Tazeh ghablan tavvasote aghaye Minachi geraami baraaye doostaan e Radio Golhaa dar link e zir gharaar daadeh shodeh ast, Golhate Tazeh shomaareh 25 ham dar in link hast. Baa sepaas az ishoon:
Baa ehteraam,

Mohsen Shahsavari <m.shahsavari60@yahoo.com> wrote:
ba tashakor az hame dostan radio golha
aya kasi barnameye golhaye tazeh 25 ra ba avaz ostad shajarian va taraneh hayedeh darad
ba in matla shab cho dar bastsm o mast az meye nabash kardam ....
mamnoon misham

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