گلچين از بهترين گروه‌ها و سايت‌هاي اينترنتي. همه چيز از همه جا

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

[erfanISLAMI] Leader: Feb 11 rallies, great divine miracle

"It is these oppressive governments that the nations of the world have problem with. Naturally, the oppressors who are controlled by the Zionist companies are angry with us because we are the vanguards of justice and if it happens that one day they praised us we should mourn that day,"
"We declare clearly that we oppose the imperialism, arrogant system and domination of some few countries over the world and fight against it. We will not allow these few states to trifle with fate of the world,"
Waliyy-e-Amril Muslimeen Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei on 17th Feb, 2010

'Feb 11 rallies, great divine miracle'

IRIB News (2/17/2010 4:23:39 PM): The Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, receiving a large group of people in Azarbaijan spoke of the nation's presence in February 11th rallies as a great divine miracle and a strong response to those opposing the Islamic Republic administration. 
The meeting was on the occasion of the anniversary of people's uprising in Tabriz in 1978, which was acknowledged by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution adding that the people of Azarbaijan has always taken the initiatives in social movements.
Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out legitimacy as the secret of the Islamic revolution's permanence and said that's why the marchers this year were more than the previous years. 
The Leader of Islamic Revolution continued that unprecedented participation of people in February 11th rallies thwarted enemies' plot to discourage them.
Ayatollah Khamenei added that the free nations of the world are inclined towards the Islamic Republic and its cause, but the leaders of few oppressive countries try to imply that the international community is against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
"It is these oppressive governments that the nations of the world have problem with. Naturally, the oppressors who are controlled by the Zionist companies are angry with us because we are the vanguards of justice and if it happens that one day they praised us we should mourn that day," Ayatollah Khamenei added.   
Ayatollah Khamenei said that main reasons behind all prevarications and making excuses over nuclear issue, human rights and democracy are resistance and clear stance of the Iranian nation.
"Americans have sent their agent like a peddler to the Persian Gulf to repeat the lies against Iran but no one believe in such remarks because the interest and problems of the regional nations are not America's concern and it performs completely opposite of the nations' interests and has trampled the region under its illegal interests," Islamic Revolution Leader said. "We declare clearly that we oppose the imperialism, arrogant system and domination of some few countries over the world and fight against it. We will not allow these few states to trifle with fate of the world," Ayatollah Khamenei added.
"America is the real war-mongering state. They have turned the Persian Gulf into an arms depot. They invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and attack Pakistan and are now spreading lies against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Everybody knows that the Islamic Republic is for peace and brotherhood among all Islamic states in the world," Islamic Revolution Leader said.
Events followed the June election was another issue that the Leader of Islamic Revolution spoke of and continued that the enemies tried to weaken the Islamic Republic of Iran, but not only didn't it produce but also strengthen the administration.
Ayatollah Khamenei anticipated a bright future for the nation and said the nation is determined to reach its lofty goals and will achieve these and become a model for all nations.
11th February 2010[AIRPLANE VIEW] Millions Celebrate Islamic Revolution - 11Feb10 - All Languageshttp://shiatv.net/view_video.php?viewkey=a2ec3499f265928cac1d&page=1&viewtype=&category=  Ahmadinejad - If we wanted to make Nuclear Bomb - We Would do it - We have no fear of...

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution issued a message praising the Iranian nation for their massive presence in the Bahman 22nd rallies. The following is an excerpt of the message:
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Dear honorable Iranian nation,
I wholeheartedly thank God who manifested His hand of power through your faith, determination, and insight and proved the power and dynamism of the Islamic Republic - which is rooted in the faith and confidence of this ancient nation - to its enemies more than ever before on the 31st anniversary of the Revolution.  
Is thirty years of trial and error not enough to awaken the arrogant and bullying powers and prove to them the futility of their efforts to dominate Islamic Iran?
Is the presence of millions of enthusiastic and insightful people in the ceremonies marking the 31st anniversary of the Revolution not enough to awaken the ill-wishers and deceived people inside the country who sometimes hypocritically claim to support the people? Is this not enough to show them the wish and path of the nation which is the path of pure Islam and our magnanimous Imam?
The friends and enemies of the Iranian nation should know that this nation has found its path and will remove all obstacles on its way to reach the peaks of success and prosperity by relying on God and their God-given power. May God bestow His assistance and success on this nation, and I hope this nation will benefit from the prayers of the Imam of the Age (may our souls be sacrificed for him).
Sayyid Ali Khamenei 
Bahman 22nd, 1388  
جشن انقلاب میں با شکوہ شرکت پر قوم کے نام شکرئے کا پیغام11-02-2010قائد انقلاب اسلامی آيت اللہ العظمی سید علی خامنہ ای نے اسلامی انقلاب کی سالگرہ کے جلوسوں میں کروڑوں کی تعداد میں عوام کی والہانہ شرکت پر قوم کے نام شکرئے کا پیغام جاری فرمایا۔ آپ نے اپنے پیغام میں فرمایا ہے کہ ملت ایران کے دوست اور دشمن دونوں جان لیں کہ یہ قوم اپنے راستے کا تعین اور ترقی و خوشبختی کی بلندیوں پر پہنچنے کا فیصلہ کر چکی ہے، وہ سامنے آنے والی ہر رکاوٹ کو دور کرتی جائے گی۔
 قائد انقلاب اسلامی کا پیغام مندرجہ ذیل ہے؛
 بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
مبہوت کن کارنامے انجام دینے والی عظیم الشان ایرانی عوام! 
آپ کے مضبوط قدم ہمیشہ مستحکم رہیں، آپ کی بلند ہمتی اور حریت پسندی کا پرچم ہمیشہ اونچا رہے، اللہ تعالی کا درود و سلام ہو آپ کے عزم راسخ اور بے مثال بصیرت پر جو ہمیشہ ضرورت کے وقت، بد خواہوں اور بد طینتوں سے ٹکراؤ کے میدان کو حق کی فتح کے میدان میں تبدیل کر دیتی ہے اور عزت و عظمت کا منظر پیش کرتی ہے۔ 
دل و جان کی گہرائیوں سے اس خالق ہستی کا شکر ہے جس نے آپ کے عزم و ایمان و بصیرت میں اپنے دست قدرت کو جلوہ فگن فرمایا اور اسلامی جمہوریہ کی تشکیل کی اکتیسویں سالگرہ پرطولانی تاریخ رکھنے والی قوم کی خود اعتمادی اور جذبہ ایمانی پر استوار نظام کی توانائی اور شادابی کو ہمیشہ سے بڑھ کر دشمنوں کے سامنے پیش کر دیا۔ کیا اکتیس سالہ تجربات اور متعدد متکبر و تسلط پسند حکومتوں کی غلطیاں، انہیں خواب غفلت سے بیدار کرنے اور اسلامی جمہوریہ ایران پر تسلط قائم کرنے کی عبث کوششوں کی حقیقت سے انہیں آگاہ کرانے کے لئے کافی نہیں ہیں؟ 
کیا انقلاب کی اکتیسویں سالگرہ کے جشن میں کروڑوں با بصیرت اور پر جوش انسانوں کی  موجودگی ملک کے اندر فریب خوردہ اور عناد پر تلے ہوئے عناصر کو، جو گاہے بگاہے ریاکارانہ انداز میں "عوام دوستی" کا دم بھرتے ہیں، ہوش میں لانے اور عوام کی مرضی اور راستے سے، جو حقیقی دین محمدی صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ و سلم اور عظیم الشان امام (خمینی رحمت اللہ علیہ) کے صراط مستقیم کے علاوہ کچھ نہیں ہے، انہیں واقف کرانے کے لئے کافی نہیں ہے؟ 
ملت ایران کے دوست اور دشمن دونوں جان لیں کہ یہ قوم اپنے راستے کا تعین اور ترقی و خوشبختی کی بلندیوں پر پہنچنے کا فیصلہ کر چکی ہے۔ وہ اللہ تعالی کی ذات پر توکل اور پروردگار کی جانب سے بخشی گئی توانائی پر اعتماد کے ذریعے، سامنے آنے والی ہر رکاوٹ کو دور کرتی جائے گی۔ توفیق الہی اس قوم کے سروں پر سایہ فگن اور حضرت امام زمانہ ارواحنا فداہ کی دعائیں اس کا سہارا بنی رہیں۔ 
سید علی خامنہ ای 22 بہمن 1388(مطابق 11 فروری 2010 )

Enemy has spent huge money for sowing discord among Muslims 
adding, "We know that an arrogant-related center supports 
financially publishing anti Sunni and Shii books. 
Isn't it an alert to Muslims???

"Issuance of some books based on logical reasoning as the 
Shii Uleam did is good but if somebody supposes that they could 
defend Shii teachings through backbiting Sunni followers 
they should know they are 
sowing discord among Muslims.
This task is not defending Velayat 
but defending America and the Zionists,"

Waliyy-e-Amril Muslimeen Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei on 12-17-2008

"Many of the Wahabi & Salafi elements & agents which commit terrorist acts in Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan are not aware of being hirelings; however, a Shii person who insults the Sunni sanctities, is the enemy's hireling even if he is unaware."
Referring to the unawareness of some of enemy's hireling agents, 
Ayatollah Khamenei said. 

"From the viewpoints of the Salafi & Wahabi groups, Shiis & Sunnis loyal to Ahl-ul-Bait & Sunnis who follow the Qaderi sect are infidels wherever in the world they are, but the reality is that the followers of this inauspicious thought are appointed to sow discord amongst Muslim brothers; however a Shii person who insults Sunni sanctities ignorantly or on purpose, is appointed to sow discord; & nonetheless the acts of both groups are religiously forbidden (haram) & against the law," the IR Leader added. Ayatullah Khamenei on 12-05-2009.

The Only Solution to protect "Ummah
Diginity" is "Unity":

We muslims are busy bickering over whether to 
fold or unfold our hands during namaz, while 
the enemy is devising ways of cuting them off.
"Roohullah Khomeini"

Yes to Unity
amongst muslims

No to shia-sunni sectarianism & other tools of 
enemies & evils, which creates fitna amongst muslims

Waliy-e-Amril Muslimeen, Waliy-e-Faqih,
Deputy of Imam-e-Zamana( a.s), Alamdar-e-Asr- e-Zahoor,
Leader of muslims of the world Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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