گلچين از بهترين گروه‌ها و سايت‌هاي اينترنتي. همه چيز از همه جا

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Song for Gaza


سلام بر دوستان فرهيخته و هنر دوست

امروز ايميلي از يکي از دوستان بدستم رسيد که بسيار خوشحال شدم.

ديدم به ضميمه ايميلش اهنگي براي غزه ارسال شده . اين دوست عزيز در واقع با ايميل خود ايميل آريا را برايم فرستاده بود. من ترجيح ميدهم که متن نامه اريا را که در ايميلش نوشته براي شما بياورم و ادرس لينک اين اهنگ را . من همه هنرمنداني که در ساخت اين اقدام هنري زحمت کشيدند ارج مينهم.

از شما دعوت ميکنم اين اثر را ببينيد . البته نامه و اهنگ به زبان انگليسي است . :

مجددا از ارسا تشکر ميکنم.

Song by Michael Heart (AKA. Anas Alaf)

We will not go down (Song for Gaza)

Subject: Song by Michael Heart (AKA. Anas Alaf)

 Not sure if you r em em ber my close friend Anas. He has been here in the US for 20 years since we both graduated from Webster in Vienna . In the time here, he has struggles with his musical carrier. Two weeks ago his sister (http://www.rimeallaf.com/index.html) sent him pictures of Gaza ..he was so moved and upset by th em that he proceeded to write a song about it. Once the song was completed he created a slide show and sent it to his sister. His sister was so moved by the song/slide show and told him to publish it. Anas contacted a few charitable organizations to see if he could charge for downloads of the song and have the money go directly to a good cause in Gaza . Most of the organizations said that would need a minimum of $50,000 before they would consider something like this.

 Frustrated Anas decided to publish his song and pictures for free and posted it on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlfhoU66s4Y). Additionally, his sister promoted it through her connections once it was online. The response was nothing short of spectacular. The song has been downloaded over 1mil times, people and matched the song to other video clips, it's been aired on TV, etc. Probably the most surprising thing was that Anas got flooded by calls and e-mails thanking him for what he had done…calling him the voice/song of Gaza . One kindergarten teacher is sending him pictures the class drew of him in thanks for his song to Gaza . Anas has been asked for a number of interviews overseas so you may see him in the media.

Arya Fainpour


اين هم ساير لينکهاي مرتبط :



Palestinian Gaza - NEW SONG 2009 (little kid sings) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br-QUYPPeHk&feature=related


song of gaza




The War On Palestine (Gaza) - Song by The Dark Bob



We Will Not Go Down - Michael Heart  Music Video



We Will Not Go Down (For Gaza) - Michael Heart



YouTube - We will not go down (Song for Gaza)




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