Do not the authorities of the nation see or know that diplomatic talks with history's criminal and powerful politicians cannot save Lebanon, Palestine or Quds and the number of crimes and oppressions increases daily. "Ayatullah Roohullah Imam Khomeini" Three Years on Victory, Israel Still Wants to Silence Al-Manar! 16/07/2009 Three years after the building of Al-Manar Television was destroyed, the Resistance's voice seems to be always one of the main targets for the Israeli enemy… On that day in 2006, Israel leveled the Manar TV building in an attempt to silence the station during the war. Al-Manar's broadcast stopped for less than five minutes and then resumed as usual from undisclosed locations, what perplexed the enemy who failed throughout the aggression to silence the "Station of the Resistance". It was necessary for the Israeli enemy to silence Al-Manar for many reasons on top of which is Israel's endeavor to spare itself a media war that could eventually expose its crimes, save its already cracking community from another psychological war and inspire the Lebanese people with its steadfastness. However Israel failed in its strategy against Al-Manar and this is why Israeli analysts are nowadays renewing recommendations of sparing all possible efforts to silence Al-Manar during any future war against Lebanon. According to Israeli experts and observers, Al-Manar has always constituted one of the main arms in the psychological war against the Israeli society during the Israeli occupation of Lebanese lands and following the Palestinian Intifada, what increased the level of calls to achieve withdrawal from Lebanon. Moreover, Israeli website Omedia broadcasted a study in which it described Al-Manar TV as one of the war's "excellent" arms. "Al-Manar used to have detailed plans on how to deal with all developments," the study said, noting that "the non-necessary employees left the building since the war's first moment while others moved to under floor locations." The study also recalled that Al-Manar's broadcast stopped for less than five minutes after being destroyed and then resumed as usual from locations that remained undisclosed until now. The Israeli study said that the Israeli forces faced many obstacles in destroying the terrestrial channel's infrastructure because of the difficulty of differentiating Al-Manar's broadcasting stations from the other Lebanese stations. The study added that Al-Manar's steadfastness was a major achievement despite all shelling and bombardment that made the victory of Hezbollah a concrete reality. As a conclusion, the Israeli study recommended that Israeli officials spare all possible efforts to silence Al-Manar during the next war and consider the Lebanese channel "a major weapon in the hands of the enemy." According to the study, "it's not enough to bombard the channel to shut it down," calling on all concerned people in the Israeli enemy to work to prevent the Lebanese channel from broadcasting through frequency receivers whatever the price was. Furthermore, the study also called for cooperating with the Lebanese government to suspend the terrestrial diffusion of Al-Manar! Visitors Comments The Holy Qur'an has been teaching us during the last 1400 years that the right information/knowledge is far more valuable than this whole material world and all that's in it 16/07/2009 19:29:00 Amrioui Salaheddine | USA Bismillah errahman erraheem (In the name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful). What amazes me about my European, Canadian, Australian and American brothers and sisters is their hunger and thirst for the right information and knowledge. And the right information and knowledge are only obtained from the right sources. And Al Manar is one of these right sources. Allah (God) always protects and empowers all those who do good on earth. Al-Manar is not responsible for the contents of the comments
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