Must Know Pre & Post Election Realities in Islamic Iran from a Professor of Iranian University ..::: Forward it to All :::.. --- On Sun, 7/19/09, Mohsin <> wrote: From: Mohsin <> Subject: [Malaysia_Shia] Re: Letter from IRAN To: Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 3:35 PM Dear brother Aijaz W/Salam Thanks for forwarding this nice and very realistic letter that depicts the situation of recent election and post election events here. There is an organized campaign to destroy the Islamic govt and bring green revolution here. Alhamdolillah it failed. We live in Tehran and witnessed most of the events as they developed slowly and finally how it led to unfortunate events in streets. We were watching both western media and the Iranian news and were sure that UK, USA, Zionists were running a well planned conspiracy against Islamic Republic of Iran. I will write my own experiences and what I am writing is just truth and first hand knowledge and I make God as witness while writing the lines below: 1. I teach in a university. About three four months before the beginning of election campaign, I noticed my friends getting SMS's from their friends and various unknown colleagues from other universities or unknown sources. Most of these Friends are those who are liberal minded. These SMS were aimed at targetting character of Ahmadinejad in a variety of ways. For example once I was with dean of basic sciences faculty of a university in a meeting and his mobile got an SMS. It read : 'Inni khalaqtu Ahmadinejad and wa inni minan nadimeen.' which means that God is saying that I have created Ahmadinejad and for certainly (this now) I am remorseful.' It was mocking of ayah of Quran and used against Ahmadinejad. You can imagine how an organized campaign was run against the president and his team that were really serving the people. Dr Ahmadinejad made 66 trips to remote cities and villages during his 4 years of tenure as president. This is more than any other past president of Iran. The aim of this was to start a campaign and slowly built it to reach zenith at the time of election. This was specifically aimed at university faculty, students and intellectuals. 2. Most of time I use taxi for commuting. During election campaign, I saw most of the taxis pasting big photos and election slogans of Mousavi. Once I asked a taxi driver, as he seemed to be friendly and I being a foreigner he was very open to me. I asked him if he really loved Mousavi. He said that he is a poor man and that he gets 3000 tomans (about 3 dollars) per day to put these big photos of Mousavi. Every night he has to go to a building in the north of Tehran that runs the campaign for Mousavi. I than started asking as many taxi drivers about it. I personally found atleast 3 or 4 other taxi drivers that they get money to put photos of Mousavi. The same thing was common among shopkeepers in the bazaar near my residence. They were getting 3-4 thousand tomans per day for putting big posters of Mousavi in their shops. I was suspicious as to from where is this money is coming as I saw these things and discussed with my colleagues. 3.. There were places especially in North and west of Tehran and in universities where students especially girls were given free, green colored ribbons, scarfs, dresses and other items on mass scale. Green colored ribbons were distributed on streets literally in hundreds of thousands. While this was happening, the slogans that came out such as: Har kas key namikhawast rusari, bedahad rai be Mousavi (Everyone who wants to get rid of scarf (hejab) should give vote to Mousavi). You can imagine the plan of enemies to remove the Islamic hejab and promote Western style life among young. 4. For most of us it was clear that unknown hands were playing role in the campaign of Mousavi. The open live discussion between candidates were shown on TV, just few days before election day, it was something new. We saw that Karrubi wasted his time allotted to bring forth his program. He didn't bring any plan if he won the election. Mohsen Rezai brought forth an economic plan well designed, however it was too theoretical. When Ahmadeinejad asked him few question about the implementation of his economic plans, he wasn't able to answer the questions. Mousavi wasted his allotted time in accusing the government and Ahmadinejad of being a lier, cheater and so on without any proof. Even in the debates where Mousavi was facing Karrubi and Rezai, he wasted his time in accusing Ahmadinejad. he didn't bring any plan for his government. Rezai asked him several times about this however there wasn't any clear reply. Ahmadinejad was able to answer accusations leveled against him very clearly with documents and proofs. He also brought forth what this govt did during last four years with official documents. Since he was accused in absence by Mousavi, he was then given extra time just two days before election to defend himself, which he did very politely with documents and logical arguments. These live debates were watched by most of the Iranians and it was clear that Ahmadinejad was outstanding among all others. To be very honest I was expecting Mousavi to come up with a plan, but this never happened. When I was a student, Mousavi was prime minister of Iran and we respected him very much. I had his photo on the wall in my room. However, now things have changed. How enemies have used those intellectuals who have some ideological weakness to use them for their own agendas. 5. During all these days of elections and post election turmoil, the great event that affected most of Iranians was the historic Friday prayers of Tehran led by Rahbar Khamenei. Hearts of all the people who had slightest of love of Islam and the Islamic system were craving to hear something from Rahbar to get rid of all the conspiracies and mess created by ignorant and the paid agents. I went to prayers with my family. The time of prayers was about 1 pm. But we reached there two hours earlier and were caught in traffic jam. Millions of people were there. Even though we reached there very early, we were able to get a place in the street outside the northern gate of Tehran University. It was a great show of solidarity with rahbar and Islamic Republic by momineens. People were crying as rahbar spoke. It was one of the best Friday prayers that I attended in this country. Rahbar spoke and everybody was just taken over by his words. You sawe how people cried when he spoke the last few sentences addressing Imam Zaman (ajtf). When we returned home, it took us more than one hour to get the car out of parking lot and reach home after two hours. 6. A lot of people made tawbah after attending the prayers as they were misled by propaganda. I know many friend who called and we talked, exchanged messages. Speech of Rahbar was guiding light for most of the Iranians. However, enemies had their own plans. One day before Friday prayer by Rahbar, they announced to hold rally on Saturday. This was clear rebellion. That is why a lot of people came to Friday prayers and they were ready to fight. However, alhamdolillah, Rahbar calmed down and also gave warning. 7. During post election turmoil, once I was giving lecture and students from three universities were in audience. Mobiles of two students rang. I asked them to turn these off. One student told me that the SMS was in English and wanted me to read it. When I saw it, I was shocked. The phone number began with international code of +44... means it was coming from UK. And it was about Mousavi that he has defied the results and asks his supporters to come to streets and defy law. I asked the students about such SMS's. Most of them didn't even know that +44 was code for UK. Most of the students were getting such SMS (10 -12/ day) since last several days. I then stopped my regular lecture and talked to them for about 1 hour on the history of UK's involvement in various conspiracies against Islam and the process of so called velvet revolutions planned by US, Europe and Zionist coalition in different countries and tried to guide them to be aware of such conspiracies. There are many such things that I can write, however it will be too long then. I think the readers will know and can imagine the true picture of elections here. Alhamdolillah with the great leadership of Rahbar and presence of aware and active momins, the conspiracy of green velvet revolution failed here. However, the internal and external enemies are still working and I hope with the help of God and sincere prayers and efforts these enemies will be exposed and defeated. InshaAllah. dua Mohsen PS: Please forgive me for typos. ![]() ![]() --- On Sat, 7/18/09, ahwalji <ahwalji@yahoo. com> wrote: From: ahwalji <ahwalji@yahoo. com> Subject: [ahlul_bayt] Letter by a sister To: ahlul_bayt@yahoogro Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 12:00 PM Salaam, This is a very good letter sent to me by a brother. It's from a sister who recently visited Iran for Ziyarat. She describes in it the truth about the election process and electioneering An email from a very reliable source " A letter from a Sister" "Bismihe Ta'ala Brothers and Sisters, Salam The topic at hand is very disturbing because it shows how deep the Zionist propaganda has penetrated into the hearts of even the Muslim communities. My family and I just returned from Iran (a few days after the elections). To be sure, what you are seeing on western TV is NOT the truth and I would like to give my own observations as we saw them. The elections were wonderful and exciting. No one knew that so many people would show up and everyone was in a spirited mood. What surprised us was that due to the propaganda coming from the west, Moosavi seemed to have a good chance to either win or at least give Pres. Ahmadinejad a good run for his money.. What western media didn't show was the tremendous popularity and support for Ahmadinejad- -and that's very unfortunate. We were in the holy city of Qom although all of our family members live in Tehran. We happened to go to the holy haram of Hazrat Ma'soomeh to say Khoda Hafez when we were caught in a frenzy of supporters for both candidates. We saw with our own eyes that the followers of Ahmadinejad outnumbered those of Moosavi to around 80%. So, when people went to the polls, it was no surprise that Ahmadinejad was in the lead almost the entire process and with the exception of Tehran and maybe one other city, Mr. Moosavi came in second. The voting process was well-protected- -we had friends in the process who told us that it was almost impossible to cheat. Each candidate had a representative to monitor the votes at each district--including Mr. Moosavi. It's strange that until the election was finished that none of his reps stepped up and said they saw problems or discrepencies in the voting process. The rumors of injecting 10 million votes in favor of Ahmadinejad were ridiculous. Votes were fingerprinted and who would sit around and fingerprint 10 million votes*. Even if they did and we were to subtract those votes from his count, he still would have won. The issue of more votes than voters was also not acceptable because unlike America, Iran does not confine people to vote in their own district. School was out and the entire country was in the process of travel and vacation so for example, many people in Qom* left and voted in other districts--causing the vote count to be different than the actually population. What was a big slap in the face though was when Mr. Moosavi came forward and announced to the entire world that the elections were fraudulent and even portrayed the Rahbar as helping or at least turning a blind eye to claims of cheating and lies. For a man who claimed to support the revolution and the principles of the shohodat, that few minutes of his unguarded tongue did more to destroy the integrity of the revolution than 30 years could have accomplished by the enemies of Islam. I feel sorry for him on the Day of Judgment. For those of you who aren't familiar with Iran, while many of his supporters were wonderful people, including MANY of the ulema, the majority of his supporters had behavior that was absolutely appalling--especial ly for Muslims. While out in the street, I had to pull my kids out quickly because of the filthy language and behavior of those supporting Moosavi. If you saw the way they were dressed, you would have thought you were in the punk rock section of San Francisco. I would never allow my children to dress the way they were dressed and many of his supporters (not all) were pro-western, anti-Islamic 'freedom' seekers. My question was why were they seeking freedom when they were dressed worse than any American I have seen? To address the statements given below, I would like to say the following. There is not any where in the modern world that violent protests and riots are allowed. To say that the entire world is lying but the Iranian regime is not the issue. The government never objected to protests--but they told Mr. Moosavi to follow the law in regards to complaints against the elections. He may not have participated in the riots but he certainly did not stop them either and in fact at times instigated them. The western media was biased and absolutely false. Police were not out beating and killing people. People were beating the police, destroying property and taking orders (as admitted) by the MKO terrorists organization (which America lists but allowed them to keep their weapons:* The enemy of my enemy is my friend.) Their leader Mariam Rajavi announced their partipation and also seemed overjoyed so say that MKO was the actual winner of the elections (remember the bombing of Imam Reza's shrine that killed over 25 people? This was her work). Former President Abol-Hassan Bani Sadr stated as well that he also gave orders for the uprising and destruction following the elections. Don't forget that America, Israel and even Saudi Arabia have had their hand in this. America has not been silent in saying that their aim is destroy the regime from within and they even upped their budget for such purposes by several million dollars (when Americans are jobless and hungry). Just to show an example of the twisting of facts, how many of you saw the man on the motorcycle getting beaten and a women was protecting him? ABC and BBC listed him as a mazloom supporter being beaten by the basij forces. In fact, he was a basij volunteer being beaten by the supporters. They caught one of them and he admitted that they were being driven from outside sources. Those people killed were innocent but know that at least eight of them were members of the basij forces and they were killed by gunshots fired from the protesters. In Iran, it's illegal to carry weapons--so the question remains as to where those weapons came from and who supplied them. Here is a question--if rioters took to the streets here in America with weapons after being told to disperse wouldn't US forces use all types of violence such as taser guns, tear gas, batons and even real guns? If any protestor attacked a US police, the police have the right to shoot to kill. So where is your excuse then that the Iranian forces are cruel and killing innocent people? They were doing their job to try and contain a violent and destruction uprising of a minority of supporters. Last night on Press TV, we witnessed a student that was supposedly killed--he came forward and said he's well and alive. Brother, reports and lies are out everywhere and as Muslims who are responsible for what we see, hear and say we have to be very careful to understand the truth and only stick to the truth--otherwise, we are as guilty as those perpetrating the crimes. Ayatollah Khamanie announced that any protests (after the initial violence) would be banned and those defying the ban would be punished. It's a fair stance and those who defied it can not complain about the outcome. All during the elections, Press TV seemed (in my humble opinion) to be slightly biased toward Mr. Moosavi. Yet today, they have even announced that their footage and reporting is totally different than what CNN has said concerning a demonstration in front of the majlis in Baharstan square. They had a woman crying saying police were taking people off of buses, beating and even killing them. We were watching live coverage and while some people were gathered, for the most part, there seemed to be no violence or uprising. You mentioned that masses in Iran. Have you considered that the masses are against these demonstrations, riots and the behavior of the Moosavi supporters? The masses in fact are in support of Ayat. Khamani AND Pres. Ahmadinejad. From our outlook, those elections were fair. The 'masses' do not consist of half a million supporters. Those eligible for the votes came to close to 50 million so the supporters/rioters were actually a very small percentage of the total voting population. And the true masses are honestly disgusted with the behavior of their Iranian counterparts. You cannot even compare the statement of 'no compulsion in religion' which has absolutely no relevance to this current issue. 99% of the Iranians are Muslim and 30 years ago, the majorty of those Muslims voted for an Islamic Republic to be conformed around the laws of Shia Islam. What compulsion are you mentioning? The law is the law. Ayat. Khamanie had every right to shed tears on that day and the rest of the Muslim umma should have done the same. Many of these Iranians were blinded by the massive propaganda tool being injected into their country on a daily basis. Those who rioted, destroyed and killed were blinded by Shayton, thinking that freedom means throwing off hijab, being allowed to drink and mingle with mixed genders. I cried when young girls would ask me how I could have left the freedom of America to come to a oppressive country such as Iran (meaning they think that I'm forced into hijab and that somehow America is free). As an American, I found my true freedom as a Muslim to be in the very heart of what the western media/governments fear the most. I'm free to think, feel, dress and practice my religion without the stink of hypocrisy and hiding just to be 'accepted' by non-Muslims. Certainly Imam e- Zeman (a.s.) won't kill innocent people but neither were innocent people killed by the government of Iran. As Brother Arif stated, the people of Iran are very compassionate and loving, including those members of basij, the governmental officials and the Rahbar. I can even say this propaganda of not being able to say what you want without punishment is a bunch of lies. There were many occasions that I openely voiced my concern on problems in Iran with members of government and never was I hauled away to prison because of it. In fact, they politely listened, discusses and at times, even agreed with me. Instead of given a prison term, I was given tea, Iranian sweets and on some ocasions, even lunch. Yes, maybe some of the people in Tehran are bitter, liars and cheaters--but that's just people everywhere. There are many good and wonderful people in Tehran as well as the entire country. But remember this note: one of my brothers who passed away (please recite Fatiha for his soul) told me something before he died. I asked him why the people of the revolution were not as openly active as the opponents were. He said, "My sister, remember this. The people keeping this government alive are the fire under the ash. You can't see them, but they are there burning strong and hot." So, that's what we are seeing today. Those followers of the Rahbar, the system and Islam are there burning strong. They are silent in the face of the loud-mouthed trouble-makers- -many of whom don't even realize what they are actually doing. Zionists and the westerners aren't idiots that they don't know how to subtly manipulate people. As Muslims, we have to be strong, wise and follow our leaders. They know what they are doing and we are not in a position to question their decisions or decide to follow the lies that are being portrayed. I'm sorry for the length of this letter but it seems there is a huge misunderstanding of the situation in Iran. We have to be vigilent in our stance against the plans of the enemies of Islam. If you think that this is just something that popped out of nowhere, you should know that the forces of Zionism, America and other key factors have been planning something like this for over 30 years. The chance came up, they grabbed it but alhamdulillah, with Allah's help and the wisdom of the Rahbar, their plots were foiled. "Wa makaroo wa makarollah wallaho khaiyul makireen." "They plot but Allah plotted and He is the best of plotters." May Allah bless the Islamic Republic and the servants who uphold it and may he hasten the appearance of our Imam al Mahdi (a.s.). Khoda Hafez, Z. S. taken from: http://www.husainiy forum/topics/ an-email- from-a-very- reliable Few addition About stuffing votes, please not as the letter describes that it is more then 10 million and all ballot papers are finger printed. Guardian council even went so far as agreeing to trace finger prints from ballot to make sure they are individual person but Moosavi did not accept except he wanted to nullify without a single proof. In Qom not that Moosavi lost big time but he was third to come in counts. Go figure he wanted to be president of Islamic republic and comes third and losses with a wide margin. Last friday when Rafsanjani led the prayers Moosavi attended namaz juma after 20 years break and even he never attended Eid prayers and also did not attend Friday prayers behind Leader. Also many Moosavi supporters were performing Namaz with shoes on and boys and girls shoulder to shoulder touching each other. Here is quote from one web site When Moosavi attended people shouted "death to Munafiq" and Mausavi attended friday prayers after 20 years. From all the evidence it looks clear that this scenerio was planned much ahead of actual votes count. Starting with abusive language in accusing President Ahmadinejad, Rafsanjani letter to Leader, all the money flow to Moosavi camp, announcing a winner in election in hours even the vote counting was not started in few areas, not listening to Leader and Maarajae like Ayatullah Makarim, Hamadani and Jawad Amoli etc. Moosavi taking full responsibility for riots and not taking any legal routes and many more. My personnel feeling is that it was an attempt to change Islamic republic or overthrow. Also rich gangs are involved especialy sons and daughter of noteable figures. Also now Revolution and Islamic republic is insured for at least 20 years, Inshallah. This does not not mean we overlook our individual responsibility of definding the revolution so please have a opinion and don't get easy convinced just because if usa, zionist, mko, saudi and wahabi groups have more media voices. Last please see how Imam Ali (AS) complained that you are not united on truth and they are united on false hood so please see how they all become one, look liberals, usa and zionist, mko wahabies just to overthrow Islamic republic but we are least bothered. I can write pages but let me tell you the election was the most fair and clean and anyone suggesting otherwise please ask for a single proof. As Ayatuallah Kashani says that to progress Iran needs calm and the west does not want Iran to progress so they will keep instigating but its upto to revolutionary masses to foil there intention and continue to progress. Thanks W/Salaam. ![]() Waliy-e-Amril Muslimeen, Waliy-e-Faqih, Deputy of Imam-e-Zamana(a.s), Alamdar-e-Asr-e-Zahoor, Leader of muslims of the world Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei ![]() ![]() |
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