گلچين از بهترين گروه‌ها و سايت‌هاي اينترنتي. همه چيز از همه جا

Friday, July 25, 2008

Re:وباز هم يك نگاه ديگر

درود - ببین عزیزم همانطور که نوشتید شما فارسی نمیتوانید بنویسید و آنطور که بنده میبینم در انگلیسی هم توانی ندارید و نمیتوانید خواسته خود را بیان کنید - چه اجباری دارید در کاری که متعلق بشما نیست و ربطی بشما ندارد دخالت کنید - من کم و بیش توانستم بفهمم باز هم مسئله دخالت در آرشیو موسیقی حقیر است من بهمه و مخصوصا شما اعلام میکنم که این مسئله بهچ کس ارتباط ندارد و من اجازه نمیدهم با دادن این آهنگها به افراد بی صلاحیت  پس فردا هر دکه سیگاری فروشنده موسیقی گلها شود - امیدوارم توانسته باشم مطلب خود را بیان کنم -
اینهم یک ترانه از تام جونز بجای گلها برای شما  - هنردان

"Hooman F." <tohooman@yahoo.com> wrote:
First I apologize if I am writing in English. I have been away from Iran since I was 12 years old, and although I can read and write in Farsi, I am afraid I cannot match the  artistry in padding and fluffing a delivery of a simple point. In fact, I may be perceived as rude in our culture. So forgive me in advance for not promoting our language here.
My point is simple: Anyone who has a private collection of any art-form, woes it to the future generations to preserve it during their lifetime and make it available to the public after their passing. If they do not, for any reason, all their efforts have gone to waste.
Now you can spin and turn this anyway you like. You can play the "you are being impolite to Mr so and so.." card or you can argue "the democracy of thoughts" angle. None of these changes the fact that no collection is worth having if it does not survive into the future.
So I think I was the first one to raise a simple question to Mr. Honardan. Which was (with all due respect and well wishes..) What is his plans to preserve his collection after he passes away? For which I have not heard an answer from him yet.
If, as one of the members indicated, he has thought about this and has a plan. I am happy and I think he can sleep easier at nights too :) I do not want a single track of his collection. And I may agree with him wanting or not wanting to share it with this group. That is irrelevent.
Plain and simple: Anyone who has a private collection, should preserve and plan for that collection. If they do, that's great. If they don't, they should think about it.

--- On Mon, 7/21/08, fereshteh akhtari <f_akhtari79@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: fereshteh akhtari <f_akhtari79@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re:وباز هم يك نگاه ديگر
To: mokarrami.m@nisoc.ir, "mehragin" <mehragin@yahoo.com>, Friends-of-Radio-Golha@googlegroups.com
Date: Monday, July 21, 2008, 8:07 AM


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